Selasa, 21 Mei 2013

Rules Eat After Teeth Whitening

       NOT everyone is blessed with a charming white teeth. Therefore, some people decide to undergo teeth whitening-whether done at home or with the help of a dentist. However, do not get all the work done is ultimately without success.
"Once you've managed to get brilliant white teeth, the next step is to examine memertahankannnya food eaten," said Dr. Raymond Garrison, professor and head of the Department of Dental Medicine of Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center.
Several types of fruit and vegetables such as apples, green peas, cauliflower, carrots, and celery leaves large, can help clean your teeth when you chew. In addition, fruits and vegetables can also stimulate the production of saliva, which will neutralize the acids and protects teeth, Garrison said.
In addition, dairy products, especially those rich in calcium, and cheeses also help keep teeth white. Lactic acid contained in these products can prevent tooth decay. Meanwhile, the hard texture of cheese which can help get rid of leftover food particles in your teeth.
You need to avoid after undergoing teeth whitening is a cigarette, ketchup, soft drinks, red and white wine, and blueberry fruit, as it can make your teeth become stained. In addition, Garrison also reminded that you first consult with your dentist before undergoing teeth whitening process.
"Although bleaching or teeth whitening is an effective method to get whiter teeth, there are short-term effects, the teeth become sensitive. Too often whiten teeth can also cause permanent damage, such as erosion of tooth enamel," he said. (*)


8 Food Reduce Headaches

THERE are different types of headaches with different levels. But the same thing is coming to make all forms of headache activity becomes disturbed. Headache is a symptom of a number of physical and mental imbalance. Most of us usually take the medicine to ease pain. And, in fact there are alternatives to drugs that can help the problem Headaches. Some foods and liquids is believed to help expel the pain in the head. Here are eight of them:

1. Potato
Headaches arising from drunk not only caused by dehydration but also because of the loss of electrolytes such as potassium. Therefore, eating foods rich in potassium may help relieve headaches. Potatoes contain a lot of potassium that is 100 grams, while the baked potato (with skin) contains up to 600 mg of potassium.

2. Bananas
Bananas are not only rich in potassium but also magnesium (medium banana contains 10% of your daily intake recommendations). Magnesium can relieve your migraine and headaches due to stress. A number of studies have linked between magnesium deficiency and migraine headaches. Research shows that about half of all migraine sufferers have ionized magnesium in the blood in small amounts.
Magnesium, contained in bananas, protecting the body from headaches by relaxing the blood vessels. In addition, magnesium has a calming effect that is useful to relieve tension headaches. Dried apricots, avocados, almonds, cashews, brown rice, nuts and seeds merupkan other foods rich in magnesium.

3. Coffee
Caffeine in coffee is beneficial as well as harmful to victims headache. Caffeine is a common substance in prescription and free medicines for headaches because it can relieve pain and 40% more effective in treating headaches. Caffeine also helps the body absorb headache medications more quickly, making the drug more quickly to work. Caffeine can be a headache reliever highly effective, especially migraine, but if taken too much can make headaches recur. So, it is recommended remedy drink coffee no more than 2 or 3 cups per day.

4. Cereal grains whole grains (whole grain)
If you live a low-carb diet, you will begin to drain the main source of energy for the brain, the glycogen reserves. It also makes the body lose fluids quickly leading to dehydration. Dehydration along with reduced energy to the brain can lead to headaches. If you consume carbohydrate foods such as healthy (whole grains such as whole grain breads, whole grain cereals, oatmeal, and fruit), not only can repel head pain but also improve your mood.

5. Watermelon
Dehydration is a common cause of headaches, then consider mengasup drink plenty of water and water-rich foods (like watermelon). Water-rich fruit also contains essential minerals, such as magnesium, which is key to preventing headaches. You can also try a sports drink berelektrolit if you may get headaches after exercising for a long time due to losing a lot of minerals in the body.

6. Fish
Fatty fish (such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel) is useful as a drug for migraine headache because it is rich in essential fatty acids, omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids can inhibit the inflammation that often trigger the onset of a migraine. If this can not eat fish every day, do not worry. You can take fish oil supplements and adding foods such as flaxseed, walnuts, tofu, and soy beans for extra omega-3 in your diet.

7. Sesame seeds
Sesame seeds are rich in vitamin E and can help stabilize estrogen levels and prevent migraines during your period. In addition, sesame seeds are also rich in magnesium, which in turn will help prevent headaches. Other foods that contain high amounts of vitamin E, among others, nuts, olive oil, dandelion, wheat, and sweet potatoes.

8. Ginger
In addition to being a cure for nausea, ginger has anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine is also useful to combat headaches. Cook the ginger or combine it with other beverages such as tea. (*)


Senin, 13 Mei 2013

You Need to Know About Fever and Flu

ALTOUGH fever is not really a disease, but many parents are anxious when their body temperature rises. A person considered to have a fever if his temperature reaches 38 degrees Celsius. To find out how to care for children who had a fever and the use of fever-reducing medications appropriate, consider answering questions about fever following:

- What to do if the child has a fever?
Immediately take the child to the doctor if the child is less than 6 months old; has other symptoms, fever over 2 days, or have never been vaccinated. In general, the use of fever-reducing medication kinds of paracetamol or ibuprofen is safe enough for children.

- How to reduce a fever?
Use warm water compress. Avoid using cold water, ice, or alcohol. Clothing comfortable clothes and do not wrap the child in a blanket. Pay attention to signs of dehydration such as children not to pee, drink less, limp or appear dry mouth.

- What signs to look out for?
In addition to fever and dehydration, immediately take the child to a doctor if she had the flu, fluid is yellow or green mucus, fever does not go down more than 2 days, children breathing difficulties, skin rashes, as well as children lose interest in activities.

- Is chicken soup can relieve flu?
Some research suggests chicken soup will reduce inflammation. In addition to rich in nutrients, chicken soup also prevents dehydration.

- Is there a natural way to cure flu and sore throat?
Most sore throats are caused by flu will take 2-5 days. For children older than 2 years, give warm water or warm tea mixed 1/2 tablespoon of honey and lemon. Strep throat is caused by bacteria are generally not accompanied by flu-like symptoms and require antibiotics.

- What age children should be given the cold medicines and cough?
Should not give children aged less than 4 years of cold medicines and cough-counter. Research shows these drugs can cause harmful side effects. Give your child plenty of fluids to relieve symptoms.

- If children cough and cold, what medicine should be given?
Give the medicine according to the symptoms suffered by the child. So no problem giving the child two drugs if he had multi symptom. But avoid giving two different drugs, but the active ingredient is the same. Give the medication as prescribed.

- Should wake the child to take medication?
Rest is the best medicine when a child is suffering from flu. So, let him sleep. If that means the child will spend time to take medication, do not worry. Give your child the next dose when he wakes up or tomorrow morning.

- If the drug vomited, should be repeated drug administration?
No need to. Difficult to ascertain how many drugs he had swallowed. Because it gives it more risky drug makes a double dose. If the child does not like the taste of medicine, maybe you can mix it with food or favorite beverage.

- Can children be given adult medication with a small dose?
Never give your child medicine for adults that are sold freely. Dose that you provide can go wrong. After all these drugs are not formulated for children. (*)

Prevent Skin Due to Eczema Itching

ECZEMA is a skin inflammatory disorder that can affect anyone,  from infants to adults. With proper care, itchy skin caused by eczema can be prevented. Eczema or contact dermatitis is a skin condition that is actually influenced by heredity. When someone in the family suffers from allergies, eczema is the first sign that may indicate your child also has allergies flair.
Many people think that eczema is caused by a germ, when in fact this is a sensitive skin conditions and allergies influenced talent.  Symptoms of eczema in infants include dry skin, redness, itching, thickened, and scaly. Some of these symptoms can also indicate other problems such as diaper rash.
The main skin care eczema, according to Lili is to avoid triggers. Some triggers to watch out for is the dust mite, sweat, dry air, until the detergent in the soap. For daily care should avoid skin care products that have a deodorizer.  Use also a gentle soap and moisturizer specifically for sensitive skin.
Humidity is the foundation for healthy skin, especially for people with eczema. "Skin Moisturizers must be worn every day, especially after bathing. Should choose a product that has a protective fat," he said.
For the more severe the inflammation of eczema, the doctor will give you medicine combined with skin care products. (*)