Statistics suggest that by the time we reach 60, one in 12 of us will be blind or partially sighted. As it is National Eye Health Week (December 10-16), we find out how to slow the march of time and ensure you and your family enjoy good sight for years to come.
Forget a healthy sex drive or even being able to walk - given the choice most of us would sacrifice both of those if it meant we didn't lose our ability to see, according to the latest research.
It's the sense we apparently value above all others, yet looking after our sight seems to be a hit-and-miss affair, with half the population mistakenly thinking that not sitting too close to the TV, reading in a good light, and wearing an eye mask at night is enough to protect their eyes, according to a survey by eye care manufacturers Bausch & Lomb.
In reality, a regular eye test is one of the most effective safeguards, particularly as we get older when we are more at risk of eye conditions such as glaucoma and AMD (age-related macular degeneration).
But Iain Anderson, chairman of The Eyecare Trust, which is promoting the benefits of eye tests for the elderly during National Eye Week, points out: "Research figures suggest that more than four million OAPs miss out on vital sight tests every year - despite the fact that eye examinations for the over 60s have been free on the NHS for eight years."
And Dr Susan Blakeney, optometric advisor for The College Of Optometrists says research shows that more than one in 10 people have never had their eyes tested.
She says: "The eyes are one of the most amazing parts of the body. They can process 36,000 bits of information every hour, and in a normal life span the eye will generate almost 24 million images of the world around us. Yet people often underestimate how important it is to look after them."
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And she warns: "Many wrongly assume that because they can apparently see clearly there cannot be anything wrong with their eyes. While that is a good sign, it doesn't necessarily mean your eyes are absolutely healthy, as in the early stages some eye conditions may have symptoms that can only be detected by an optometrist."
She recommends that in general people have their eyes tested at least once every two years, or more often if advised by an optometrist.
"Wearing sunglasses even in winter to protect the eyes from UV rays, giving up smoking which can more than double the risk of some eye conditions such as AMD, and having a balanced diet, which includes leafy green vegetables, are all key ways to protect eyes."
Follow our guide, with advice from the experts, to keep your eyes healthy.
Eye Miths
Wearing someone else's glasses may damage your eyes
This just isn't true, although you may not be able to see very well with them and may get a headache or double vision, you won't come to any harm from wearing glasses that are not your prescription (unless you're driving a motor vehicle).
Watching TV too much or too closely will damage eyes
Kids will be delighted to know that this warning isn't true, but parents can fall back on the fact too much viewing can make your eyes tired or cause a headache. You're particularly vulnerable if TV's viewed in the dark when you are effectively looking at a moving light, like a torch.
Masturbation makes you go blind
No, the only correlation between the two is that semen contains a large amount of zinc and a deficiency in zinc (although nearly impossible to achieve solely by masturbating) will cause a decline in a person's vision.
Exercising eye muscles can allow you to 'throw away your glasses'
People (normally) need specs because of the shape and size of their eye (i.e. their eyes are too big or too small). Exercises won't help this.
Not wearing your glasses will make you depend upon them less
If you don't wear your glasses you may become more accustomed to the blur and won't remember how bad it is, and thereby think that your eyes have got better (when they haven't).
Eating carrots improves eyesight
There's some truth in this as carrots are a source of vitamin A, which is important for the eyes. Before embarking on an all-carrot diet, bear in mind that it's more important for eye health to have a balanced diet that supports your all-round health. Poor nutrition is implicated in diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
Using your eyes too much can wear them out
Your eyes will last for a lifetime if they are healthy (or have conditions that are treatable). Eye health has nothing to do with the number of hours you use them.
Why are we obsessed with liquid foods?
Holding books up close will damage a child's eyes
Where or how a child holds a book has no effect on the health of the eyes or the need for glasses. Sometimes children find it more comfortable to read close-up and their good focusing ability makes it easy for them to do so. (http://style.uk.msn.com/)
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